Monday, September 30, 2019

Gender Differences in Depression Essay

Abstract From early adolescence through adulthood, women are twice as likely as men to experience depression. Many different explanations for this gender difference in depression have been offered, but none seems to fully explain it. Recent research has focused on gender differences in stress responses, and in exposure to certain stressors. I review this research and describe how gender differences in stress experiences and stress reactivity may interact to create women’s greater vulnerability to depression. Keywords gender; depression; stress Across many nations, cultures, and ethnicities, women are about twice as likely as men to develop depression (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1990; Weissman et al., 1996). This is true whether depression is indexed as a diagnosed mental disorder or as subclinical symptoms. Diagnosable depressive disorders are extraordinarily common in women, who have a lifetime prevalence for major depressive disorder of 21.3%, compared with 12.7% in men (Kessler, McGonagle, Swartz, Blazer, & Nelson, 1993). Most explanations for the gender difference in depression have focused on individual variables, and studies have attempted to show that one variable is better than another in explaining the difference. In three decades of research, however, no one variable has single-handedly accounted for the gender difference in depression. In recent years, investigators have moved toward more integrated models, taking a transactional, developmental approach. Transactional models are appropriate because it is clear that depression impairs social and occupational functioning, and thus can have a major impact on an individual’s environment. Developmental models are appropriate because age groups differ markedly in the gender difference in depression. Girls are no more likely than boys to evidence depression in childhood, but by about age 13, girls’ rates of depression begin to increase sharply, whereas boys’ rates of depression remain low, and may even decrease. By late adolescence, girls are twice as likely as boys to be depressed, and this gender ratio remains more or less the same throughout adulthood. The absolute rates of depression in women and men vary substantially across the life span, however. In this review, I focus on two themes in recent research. First, because women have less power and status than men in most societies, they experience certain traumas, particularly sexual abuse, more often than men. They also experience more chronic strains, such as poverty, harassment, lack of respect, and constrained choices. Second, even when women and men experience the same stressors, women may be more likely than men to develop depression because of gender differences in biological responses to stressors, self-concepts, or coping styles. Frequent stressful experiences and reactivity to stress are likely to have reciprocal effects on each other. Stressful experiences can sensitize both biological and psychological systems to future stress, making it more likely that individuals will react with depression. In turn, reactivity to stress is associated with impaired problem solving, an d, as a result, with the accumulation or generation of new stressors, which may contribute to more depression. STRESSFUL LIFE EVENTS Women’s lack of social power makes them more vulnerable than men to specific major traumas, particularly sexual abuse. Traumas may contribute directly to depression, by making women feel they are helpless to control their lives, and may also contribute indirectly, by increasing women’s reactivity to stress. Women’s social roles also carry a number of chronic strains that might contribute directly or indirectly to depression. Major changes in the frequency of traumatic events and in social roles coincide with the emergence of gender differences in depression in adolescence, and may help to explain this emergence. Victimization Women are the victims of sexual assault—defined as being pressured or forced into unwanted sexual contact—at least twice as often as men, and people with a history of sexual assault have increased rates of depression (see Weiss, Longhurst, & Mazure, 1999). Sexual assault during childhood has been more consistently linked with the gender difference in depression than sexual assault that first occurs during adulthood. Estimates of the prevalence of childhood sexual assault range widely. Cutler and I reviewed the most methodologically 174 sound studies including both male and female participants and found rates of childhood sexual assault between 7 and 19% for females and between 3 and 7% for males (Cutler & Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991). We estimated that, in turn, as much as 35% of the gender difference in adult depression could be accounted for by the higher incidence of assault of girls relative to boys. A few studies have examined whether depression might be an antecedent rather than a consequence of sexual assault. Depression does appear to increase risk for sexual assault in women and men, but sexual assault significantly increases risk for first or new onsets of depression. Childhood sexual assault may increase risk for depression throughout the life span because abuse experiences negatively alter biological and psychological responses to stress (Weiss et al., 1999). Children and adolescents who have been abused, particularly those who have been repeatedly abused over an extended period of time, tend to have poorly regulated biological response to stress. Abuse experiences can also negatively alter children’s and adolescents’ perspectives on themselves and others, contributing to their vulnerability to depression (Zahn-Waxler, 2000). do nearly all the child care and domestic work of the home. In addition, women are increasingly â€Å"sandwiched† between carin g for young children and caring for sick and elderly family members. This role overload is said to contribute to a sense of â€Å"burn out† and general distress, including depressive symptoms, in women. In the context of heterosexual relationships, some women face inequities in the distribution of power over important decisions that must be made, such as the decision to move to a new city, or the decision to buy an expensive item such as a car (Nolen-Hoeksema, Larson, & Grayson, 1999). Even when they voice their opinions, women may feel these opinions are not taken seriously, or that their viewpoints on important issues are not respected and affirmed by their partners. My colleagues and I measured chronic strain by grouping inequities in workload and heterosexual relationships into a single variable, and found that this variable predicted increases in depression over time, and partially accounted for the gender difference in depression (Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 1999). Depression also contributed to increased chronic strain over time, probably bec ause it was associated with reductions in perceptions of control and effective problem solving. Girls also feel that if they pursue male-stereotyped activities and preferences, such as interests in math and science or in competitive sports, they are rejected by their peers. For many girls, especially white girls, popularity and social acceptance become narrowly oriented around appearance. This narrowing of acceptable behavior for girls in early adolescence may contribute to the increase in depression in girls at this time, although this popular theory has been the focus of remarkably little empirical research (NolenHoeksema & Girgus, 1994). There is substantial evidence that excessive concern about appearance is negatively associated with wellbeing in girls, but these findings may apply primarily to white girls. In addition, very little research has examined whether appearance concerns and gender roles are risk factors for depression or only correlates. REACTIVITY TO STRESS Even when women and men are confronted with similar stressors, women may be more vulnerable than men to developing depression and related anxiety disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (Breslau, Davis, Andreski, Peterson, & Schultz, 1997). Women’s greater reactivity compared with men’s has been attributed to gender differences in biological responses, self-concepts, and coping styles. Biological Responses to Stress For many years, the biological explanations for women’s greater vulnerability to depression focused on the direct effects of the ovarian hormones (especially estrogen and progesterone) on women’s moods. This literature is too large and com- Chronic Strains Women face a number of chronic burdens in everyday life as a result of their social status and roles relative to men, and these strains could contribute to their higher rates of depression (see Nolen-Hoeksema, 1990). Women make less money than men, and are much more likely than men to live in poverty. Women are more likely than men to be sexually harassed on the job. Women often have full-time paid jobs and also Gender Intensification in Adolescence Social pressure to conform to gender roles is thought to increase dramatically as children move through puberty. For girls, this may mean a reduction in their opportunities and choices, either real or perceived. According to adolescents’ own reports, parents restrict girls’ more than boys’ behaviors and have lower expectations for girls’ than for boys’ competencies plicated to review here (but see Nolen-Hoeksema, 1990, 1995). Simply put, despite widespread popular belief that women are more prone to depression than men because of direct negative effects of estrogen or progesterone on mood, there is little consistent scientific evidence to support this belief. Although some women do become depressed during periods of hormonal change, including puberty, the premenstrual period of the menstrual cycle, menopause, and the postpartum period, it is unclear that these depressions are due to the direct effects of hormonal changes on mood, or that depressions during these periods of women’s lives account for the gender differences in rates of depression. More recent biological research has focused not on direct effects of ovarian hormones on moods, but on the moderating effects of hormones, particularly adrenal hormones, on responses to stress. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis plays a major role in regulating stress responses, in part by regulating levels of a number of hormones, including cortisol, which is released by the adrenal glands in response to chemicals secreted by the brain’s hypothalamus and then the pituitary. In turn, cortisol levels can affect other biochemicals known to influence moods. People with major depressive disorder often show elevated cortisol responses to stress, indicating dysregulation of the HPA response. An intriguing hypothesis is that women are more likely than men to have a dysregulated HPA response to stress, which makes them more likely to develop depression in response to stress (Weiss et al., 1999). Women may be more likely to have a dysregulated HPA response because they are more likely to have suffered traumatic events, which are known to contribute to HPA dysregulation. In addition, ovarian hormones modulate regulation of the HPA axis (Young & Korszun, 1999). Some women may have depressions during periods of rapid change in levels of ovarian hormones (the postpartum period, premenstrual period, menopause, and puberty) because hormonal changes trigger dysregulation of the stress response, making these women more vulnerable to depression, particularly when they are confronted with stress. The causal relationship between HPA axis regulation and the gender difference in depression has not been established but is likely to be a major focus of future research. Subordinate their own needs and desires completely to those of others, they become excessively dependent on the good graces of others (Cyranowski, Frank, Young, & Shear, 2000). They may then be at high risk for depression when conflicts arise in relationships, or relationships end. Several recent studies have shown that girls and women are more likely than boys and men to develop depression in response to interpersonal stressors. Because depression can also interfere with interpersonal functioning, an important topic for future research is whether the gender difference in depression is a consequence or cause of gender differences in interpersonal strain. Coping Styles By adolescence, girls appear to be more likely than boys to respond to stress and distress with rumination—focusing inward on feelings of distress and personal concerns rather than taking action to relieve their distress. This gender difference in rumination then is maintained throughout adulthood. Several longitudinal and experimental studies have shown that people who ruminate in response to stress are at increased risk to develop depressive symptoms and depressive disorders over time (Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 1999). In turn, the gender difference in rumination at least partially accounts for the gender difference in depression. Rumination may not only contribute directly to depression, but may also contribute indirectly by impairing problem solving, and thus preventing women from taking action to overcome the stressors they face. Self-Concept Although the idea that girls have more negative self-concepts than boys is a mainstay of the pop-psychology literature, empirical studies testing this hypothesis have produced mixed results (Nolen-Hoeksema & Girgus, 1994). Several studies have found no gender differences in self-esteem, self-concept, or dysfunctional attitudes. Those studies that do find gender differences, however, tend to show that girls have poorer self-concepts than boys. Again, negative self-concepts could contribute directly to depression, and could interact with stressors to contribute to depression. Negative self-concept has been shown to predict increases in depression in some studies of children (Nolen-Hoeksema & Girgus, 1994). One consistent difference in males’ and females’ self-concepts concerns interpersonal orientation, the tendency to be concerned with the status of one’s relationships and the opinions others hold of oneself. Even in childhood, girls appear more interpersonally oriented than boys, and this gender difference increases in adolescence (Zahn-Waxler, 2000). AN INTEGRATIVE MODEL Women suffer certain stressors more often than men and may be 176 more vulnerable to develop depression in response to stress because of a number of factors. Both stress experiences and stress reactivity contribute directly to women’s greater rates of depression compared with men. Stress experiences and stress reactivity also feed on each other, however. The more stress women suffer, the more hyperresponsive they may be to stress, both biologically and psychologically. This hyperresponsiveness may undermine women’s ability to control their environments and overcome their stress, leading to even more stress in the future. In addition, depression contributes directly to more stressful experiences, by interfering with occupational and social functioning, and to vulnerability to stress, by inciting rumination, robbing the individual of any sense of mastery she did have, and possibly sensitizing the biological systems involved in the stress response. Important advances will be made in explaining the gender difference in depression as we understand better the reciprocal effects of biological, social, and psychological systems on each other. Key developmental transitions, particularly the early adolescent years, are natural laboratories for observing the establishment of these processes, because so much changes during these transitions, and these transitions are times of increased risk. Additional questions for future research include how culture and ethnicity affect the gender difference in depression. The gender difference is found across most cultures and ethnicities, but its size varies considerably, as do the absolute percentages of depressed women and men. The processes contributing to the gender difference in depression may also vary across cultures and ethnicities. Understanding the gender difference in depression is important for at least two reasons. First, women’s high rates of depression exact tremendous costs in quality of life and productivity, for women themselves and their families. Second, understanding the gender difference in depression will help us to understand the causes of depression in general. In this way, gender provides a valuable lens through which to examine basic human processes in psychopathology. Recommended Reading Cyranowski, J.M., Frank, E., Young, E., & Shear, K. (2000). (See References) Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (1990). (See References) Nolen-Hoeksema, S., & Girgus, J.S. (1994). (See References) Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Larson, J., & Grayson, C. (1999). (See References) Young, E., & Korszun, A. (1999). (See References) References Breslau, N., Davis, G.C., Andreski, P., Peterson, E.L., & Schultz, L. (1997). Sex differences in posttraumatic stress disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 54, 1044–1048. Cutler, S., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (1991). Accounting for sex differences in depression through female victimization: Childhood sexual abuse. Sex Roles, 24, 425–438. Cyranowski, J.M., Frank, E., Young, E., & Shear, K. (2000). Adolescent onset of the gender difference in lifetime rates of major depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 21–27. Kessler, R.C., McGonagle, K.A., Swartz, M., Blazer, D.G., & Nelson, C.B. (1993). Sex and depression in the National Comorbidity Survey I: Lifetime prevalence, chronicity, and recurrence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 29, 85–96. Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (1990). Sex differences in depression. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (1995). Gender differences in coping with depression across the lifespan. Depression, 3, 81– 90. Nolen-Hoeksema, S., & Girgus, J.S. (1994). The emergence of gender differences in depression in adolescence. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 424–443. Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Larson, J., & Grayson, C. (1999). Explaining the gender difference in depression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77, 1061–1072. Weiss, E.L., Longhurst, J.G., & Mazure, C.M. (1999). Childhood sexual abuse as a risk factor for depression in women: Psychosocial and neurobiological correlates. American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 816–828. Weissman, M.M., Bland, R.C., Canino, G.J., Faravelli, C., Greenwald, S., Hwu, H.-G., Joyce, P.R., Karam, E.G., Lee, C.-K., Lellouch, J., Lepine, J.P., Newman, S.C., Rubio-Stipc, M., Wells, E., Wickramaratne, P.J., Wittchen, H.-U., & Yeh, E.K. (1996). Cross-national epidemiology of major depression and bipolar disorder. Journal of the American Medical Association, 276, 293–299. Young, E., & Korszun, A. (1999). Women, stress, and depression: Se x differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation. In E. Leibenluft (Ed.), Gender differences in mood and anxiety disorders: From bench to bedside (pp. 31–52). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. Zahn-Waxler, C. (2000). The development of empathy, guilt, and internalization of distress: Implications for gender differences in internalizing and externalizing problems. In R. Davidson (Ed.), Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion: Vol. 1. Anxiety, depression, and emotion (pp. 222–265). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Citizenship of organizations, nations and the planet- Rights and Responsibilities Essay

Man is a social animal. The history of mankind is the history of evolving societies, civilizations and nations. These are the various levels of groups a person exists as a citizen of, where he cooperates with others to fulfil and increase his own needs and potential and therefore developing that group as a whole. Hence, an individual is tied to his social moorings which provide him certain rights for his own self development and also demand from him certain responsibilities for the well being and sustainability of the society as a whole. These rights and responsibilities are indispensable for any organisation to exist and develop. The rights have also evolved as society has progressed. Earlier in the days when democracy did not exist, a king or a dictator did not need to worry much about rights of his citizens. But democracy is based on will of people. In a democratic government, a citizen gets his rights which are fundamental to his well being and growth. Hence, in India our constitution makers provided us with fundamental rights which we did not enjoy when india was not a democratic nation. Similarly, when industrialisation had emerged in western Europe, the rights of the workers was not given much credence to. They lived in miserable conditions, with very long working hours and less leisure. But today, every organisation provides its workers safe working environment as a right. Today, as the twenty-first century enters its second decade the world has shrunk in a space becoming a global village.The ancient Indian notion encapsulated in the sanskrit dictum ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’( the world is a family ) has never been truer.Today, its not realistic to think only in terms of one’s own country .The exchange of ideas and goods are taking place everywhere in the world with ever greater frequency,speed and ease.The safety of people everywhere not only depends on local security forces,but also on guarding against terrorism.What happens in other parts of the world affect other nations too. We are becoming citizens of a unified planet. Under this perspective, the united nations formulated the Human rights which  are fundamental for the existence of a citizen irrespective of race, gender or geography like right to live with security, right against slavery. If a government denies its citizens these basic rights for example in a genocide, UN can i ntervene to restore peace and a legitimate government. Likewise it sends directives to its member nations on how they can perform better so that the citizens have better life. A citizen needs to take full responsibility towards Organization, Nation as well as Planet.People everywhere increasingly connected through travel,trade and the internet. World is so closely knitted today that a fire that starts in a remote thatched in one corner of a village can melt the steel girders of the tallest skyscrapers at the other end of our global village. The impact of 9/11 was felt all around the world or the impact of recession that was felt all around the world in 2008 due to the failure of Lehman brothers and Bear stearns .The impact that one citizen, organization or nation creates around the world cannot be ignored in such an interdependent world .We can no longer afford the luxury of not thinking about the impact on the planet in anything we do . The problems that the world is facing today like terrorism ,of the proliferation of weapons of mass destructions,global warming ,contagious disease, poverty, mass illiteracy and massive displacement cannot be addressed by one or a group of country alone .Today nations around the world find them vulnerable to threats from beyond once borders counterfeiters of currency,drug smugglers,child traffickers,pirates ,credit-card crooks and even imported diseases such as swine flu. Such problems required solutions that transcends all boundaries and it can only happen when one think himself as a global citizen and realize their rights and responsibilities towards the planet. Citizenship is the status of a person recognised under the law of a state that bestows on that person the rights and the duties of citizenship. Rights and responsibilities complement each other.It has been rightly said with great power also comes great responsibilities.Rights and respondibilities both should be enjoyed actively .Active citizenship is the  philosopy that citizens would work towards the betterment of society through economic participation, volunteer work and other such efforts to improve life for all citizens. A right has not be enjoyed by an individual at the cost of other’s right. A right pertains to an individual’s liberty but to sustain and develop equality in a society, responsibilities or duties are must to be followed by the citizens. If we have a right to free speech, then it becomes our responsibility to moderate our speech so that it does not incite hatred between groups and communities. Keeping this in view, India incorporated fundamental duties as well in its constitution to complement the rights. Now corporates which thrive on lands and forests occupied earlier by other communities, they have to share their riches with those people in the form of corporate social responsibility. Mahatma gandhi had aptly said that the world has enough to fulfil everyone’s need but not enough to fulfil anyone’s greed. In today’s world where resources are scarce, these words of his have become highly relevant. In the name of development, we are polluting our air and cutting down our forests. We are threatening the livelihood of various communities which sustain on these lands. This has led to widespread social tensions resulting into violence. The corporates and other players are forgetting their responsibilities towards the society. Their rights to do business must be in harmony with the rights of citizens whose livelihood gets affected. Many Management literates have investigated the notion of Citizenship from three perspective-an Organizational Citizenship (where the efforts are undertaken by the employees to behave as good citizens within their organization); from a social perspective with the notion of Corporate Citizenship (where initiatives are undertaken by businesses to act responsibly in society in particular and the Nation in general) and last but not the least from the planet perspective with the notion of Environment Citizenship (where efforts should be undertaken by Individuals/entity to be responsible towards environmental protection). At the organization level citizens should strive for sustainable development . There should be effort towards a future state for human societies in which living conditions and resource-use meet human needs without undermining the sustainability of natural systems and the environment, so that future generations may also have their needs met. Central coalfield Limited(CCL) as a responsible organization in making citizens partner in progress. Major corporate social responsibility(CSR) activity of Central Coalfield Limited (CCL) 1. CCL has adopted 2 villages in the nearby vicinity in which Rs. 50 lac was provided for setting up a Solar Light Generating Unit. 2. CCL has organized 25 medical camps in the adopted villages, in which 2644 persons were benefitted. 3. CCL has constructed/ repaired 17 rural roads, built/ repaired 21 rural schools and 20 community centers have been constructed/ repaired. 4. 11 visually impaired girl students of Brajkishore Netrahin Balaika vidyalia have been adopted by CCL for their education and Health Care. 5. For providing the supply of drinking water, 84 works with respect to digging of hand pumps, installation of hand pumps, wells, ponds etc. were undertaken by CCL giving benefit to 105 villages. 6. 335 health camps were organized in different villages of CCL in which 52309 people were benefited. 7. CCL has started operation JYOTI to eradicate reversible blindness in command areas and 2511 persons have been operated so far. 8. An amount of Rs. 3.70 Cr. was provided to state Government for construction of Bridge on Ray-Tandwa- Khilari Road. 9. Rs. 81.38 lac was provided to Jharkhand state for De-Silting of Kanke Dam, Ranchi.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Action Plan

Ymere is one of the largest housing corporations in the Netherlands, active in the Northern Randstad. The organization manages about 82,500 houses, shops and commercial business accommodations, and develops new houses and social property on a large scale. This project, which they are working on, is created to improve the red light district and eventually eliminate any illegal prostitution and drug barons from the area. The idea is to achieve a structural change in this area, the image must change into a high quality and attractive entrance area that reflects the ambitions that Amsterdam has. The municipality of Amsterdam is working on putting the red light district in a different light and therefore is engaging and encouraging other companies that are situated in the area, to do so as well. The commissioning client is the Ymere housing corporation and they are responsible for managing a big building located on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal in the Amsterdam city centre. The project group is assigned to create a new concept for an ultimate club experience and because this area is an entertainment centre, Ymere wants to use this building to accommodate a very trendy club where visitors can gain a new and special experience. The concept for this club has to differ from the other clubs located in the area, so no more sex theatres such as â€Å"Casa Rosso† or â€Å"Yab Yum†, but more clubs which offers the visitors a high quality experience such as â€Å"The Supperclub† offers to their guests or â€Å"The (old) Roxy† used to. Knowing more about the assignment and the background of the project means that the project group can focus on the process that follows. We will be brainstorming for a new concept, participating in desk research and participating in field research by visiting two clubs in the Netherlands and two clubs virtually abroad. When the research is done the project group will document everything in a written advisory report for the commissioning client. In this report we will advise the commissioning client on an innovative concept for The Ultimate Club Experience. The advisory report will consist of several parts: 1. The professional supply and demand analysis 2. The observation assignment 3. Development of the concept (the brainstorming stage) 4. Development of the concept 5. English summary The advisory report will be presented and explained to the commissioning client, the consultant and tutor by the members of the project group, in a presentation. Project Objective On Friday 23 December the project group will have produced an Advisory Report consisting of a professional supply and demand analysis, the observation assignment, development of the concept including the brainstorming stage and a summary. These products are based on the creation of The Ultimate Club experience that will be located on the Niewezijds Voorburgwal. In week 2 of the year 2012 we will present our concept clearly and concisely to the commissioning client and give an advice on the realization of the club experience based on our research outcomes and arguments. Project Delineation The project group will prepare an extensive analysis on the supply and demand side of club experiences in Amsterdam and come up with ideas that fill the gap in the supply. The project group will do desk research and also field research regarding the same matter by making research observations on the consumers (gender statistics, the degree of satisfaction, etc. ) and set up interviews with club managers in order to get a better insight into the supply. The project group will not make contact with the consumers, for example through surveys or questionnaires.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Mathematics Learning Disability Speech or Presentation

Mathematics Learning Disability - Speech or Presentation Example The facts comprise of basic computation such as (4+5=9 or 6x4=24), which students require putting out in memory in their earliest levels of elementary school. It is critical to remember these ideas since it permits a student to approach the most advanced thinking of mathematics without bogging down easy calculations. Secondly, many students have computation weaknesses. Various students, despite a good understanding of concepts of mathematics, are not consistence at computing. They always make errors since they misread the signs and symbols or carry most numbers incorrectly, or might not write numerals in the correct column or clearly enough. The same learners always struggle, specifically in primary school, in which basic computation and correct answers are stressed. This makes them end up in the remedial lessons, even if they may be having top levels of ability of the greater level of mathematical thinking. Furthermore, many learners have incomplete of getting the language of mathematics. These students might also face reading, speaking and writing difficulties. In mathematics, however, their problem of language is as a result of hard terminology, many of which they have never heard anywhere outside the mathematics classroom. These learners have difficulty in understanding verbal or written directions or explanations. They also find word problems particularly difficulty to translate. Lastly, a far commonly seen the problem and the most severe may be the inability of the individual be able to visualize the ideas of math effectively. Learners who have the problem cannot judge the size in dissimilar items. This disorder disadvantages students since it needs the learners to rely on rote memorization of both written and spoken description of mathematical concepts, which are taken by people for granted. Many math problems require learners to use high order mental cognition using skills of perception, for example, to find the shape that will result after rotating a complex.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 7

Research - Essay Example hat, in situations where there is the need to optimize the use of resources especially in the low income countries, there is a tendency to scale down the local strategies for quality to enable the practitioner and the constrained health providers to serve a larger population. The growth of the health sector has thus concentrated on geographical coverage and based more of their services to providing universal health at the expense of the quality. Most of the resources are focused to expansion leaving loopholes for inefficiencies and incompetence if not unprofessionalism. According to the article by the world health organization, there is a need to address the health issue from a systems perspective (World Health Organization, 3). For this research proposal, I will review previous data on the topic and develop the various problems encountered in health care, examine them in the light of the efforts to mitigate them and come up with a plan to work out the inefficiencies and ensure there is an optimal allocation of resources and optimal gains, as a result. When we look at health care in an economic perspective, health care involves the provision of services and the receipt of payment for the services (Lebrun-Harris, Lydie A., et al., 44). However, the rate with which an individual seeks health care largely depends on his/her resource endowments especially in cases where they are not covered by insurance cover and have to pay through an out-of –pocket basis. Access to health care is thus limited by the constrained resources. However, healthcare in the modern day has become more of an enterprise, and the providers are aiming at expanding more and reaping more profits for their services. This has led to the use of incompetent personnel in place of doctors, the use of low quality alternative medicine, application of procedures that undermine the patients’ health status, for better monetary rewards; among them carrying out a caesarian section where the patient can have

Scavenger Hunt Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scavenger Hunt - Research Paper Example Researchers have to plan for the whole process and allow adequate time for each activity in the research (Ronald, 2013) Some information is not easy to collect given the security and limited access to certain types of information. This paper will reflect on the importance of gathering information in PR. This essay also outlines processes and procedures involved in collecting data in research as well as reflecting overall experience of research. This will be based on five questions that the researcher sought answers from different sources in order to have a firsthand experience of research in Public Relations. Reliable data and statistics about different issues and trends in the United Arab Emirates can be obtained from different sources. Reliable sources are those that have authority either from the government of UAE or from other international organizations that work collaboratively with the UAE. Five main sources of information on various topics in the UAE include the National Bureau of Statistics of the UAE, The World Health Organization (WHO), International Labor Organization (ILO), The United Nations Organization (UNO), and the Forbes magazine (Aaref, 2005). These sources give data on different topics ranging from demographics, economic trends, politics and social lifestyles. This list of sources comes from international and local sources that have authority in their specific areas. Power toothbrushes are more effective that manual toothbrushes in the short term. Power tools are automatic and easier to manage. The brushes can regulate themselves for instance by preventing one to brush too hard on the gums. These toothbrushes are however very expensive and out of reach for most people. The current infant mortality rate in the United Arab Emirates stands at 0.9 in 1000 births (Aaref, 2005). This is a relatively good rate in relation to rates in other countries in the world and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Comparing Two Works of Sculpture and Exploring how Their Styles Create Essay

Comparing Two Works of Sculpture and Exploring how Their Styles Create Different Kinds of Meaning - Essay Example In the end, both are effective and significant for their sites, their composition, their figure styles, and the symbolism they embody. The site of the Littlefield Fountain is very inviting and essentially forms not just a sculpture, but a landmark. The sculpture itself is not readily recognizable from a distance, as one first notices the fountain and its water surrounding the sculpture before really seeing the focus at the center of it all. The sculpture and its surroundings seem to be the focal point of the south mall entrance on the University of Texas campus, and thus as your approach the general area your attention is drawn first to the pathway leading to the south mall, then to the fountain it intersects with unavoidably. Upon, arrival, the sculpture dominates the scene, and is easily viewed by anyone who comes to sit beside the fountain—however, it is not an open site in that visitors are expected to walk among the figures and see them face to face. The location itself o ffers a place for students and others to meet and gather, being by nature a landmark, but also is for viewing by passersby who are find their way to the south mall, although the sculpture is not visible from its rear. Again, it serves as a landmark, as one can steer himself in the right direction by seeking out the Littlefield Fountain. ... It is the centerpiece of the small plaza, serving as a quaint piece of artwork that adds some sophistication to the locale, but does not intend to dominate the area nor awe those who pass by. Visitors may be either entering or exiting the building as they go by, or perhaps taking a break between classes and sitting in the plaza. The sculpture is visible from all angles, but the ideal viewpoint is coming up the steps as you enter, where you may look at the faces of all three figures; other angles do not invite the same contemplation and involvement. The area around the statue is designed in a way that people will spend time sitting still around the statue, and thus its serves as the source of some peaceful atmosphere in the plaza. The Littlefield Fountain is intended to be much more powerful, impressive, and unmistakable than The Family Group, as it is conjoined with a fountain and serves as a landmark for the entire campus. The open surrounds suggest that it is situated in a place of motion, unlike The Family Group’s place of calm and rest. The angle of the fountain also serves to welcome people as they approach the south mall, perhaps in the same way that The Family Group welcomes people as they enter the building, but the former is only view on approach while the latter is visible no matter where one is in the vicinity. Overall, the Littlefield Fountain is meant to direct people’s attention toward it and be the landmark associated with an entire area, while The Family Group serves as a subtle centerpiece to a more isolated area, created a less â€Å"in your face† impression. The composition of the Littlefield Fountain emphasizes a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ethical Hacking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical Hacking - Essay Example Even mundane day to day tasks rely on the use of computers. Technology is evolving at an unprecedented rate and as a result the products that reach the market are engineered more for ease of use rather than secure computing. With the increased numbers and expanding knowledge of ill-intentioned crackers, combined with the growing number of system vulnerabilities and other unknowns, organizations (universities, corporate companies, NGOs, hospitals etc) need to be more proactive in securing their sensitive networks and data. More and more companies now believe in the quote: "To catch a thief, think like a thief" and hiring ethical hackers to ensure information system security. For a long time, the term Ethical Hacking has been termed to be an oxymoron. This is mainly because of the misappropriate information imparted by misinformed or more appropriately, 'lesser informed' people. Since a long time, zealous and intelligent information system professionals who can get around a computer issue through innovation have categorized themselves into two categories: Black Hat Society (Crackers) and White Hat Society (Hackers).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Issiue surronding whistle blowing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Issiue surronding whistle blowing - Essay Example We will look at four separate cases, two corporate, and two public sectors or government. A whistleblower can be defined as a person who reveals the wrongdoing within and organization to the public or to those in positions of authority (Whistleblower). The importance of whistleblowers is relatively easy to see especially since the not so recent events of Worldcom and Enron destroyed tens of thousands of lives and ended with billions of lost revenues. According to Lilanthi Ravishankar a researcher with Santa Clara University, â€Å"When Time magazine editors named WorldCom's Cynthia Cooper and Enron's Sherron Watkins two of their People of the Year for 2002; they were acknowledging the importance of internal whistleblowers† (Ravishankar). These were two of the most well-known of the corporate world’s whistleblowing events. These are followed by two of the highest profile public sector whistleblowing events with drastic differences in the public arena. Worldcom’s C ynthia Cooper stated in a 2002 interview with Time magazine, â€Å"It was easy to empathize with the investors. WorldCom was the only Fortune 500 Company headquartered in Mississippi. My parents had invested in the stock† (Ripley). This brings up the first of the ethical dilemmas that exists for whistleblowers, how their stance to tell the truth will affect their families. While this is a serious dilemma Cynthia Cooper later stated that she realized it was her only choice, she realized far more people would be hurt if she did not come forward. Her family while being important was the lesser of the two problems and she was forced to choose the greater good. While the loss to her family was great is it easier to make the decision when it is someone else’s future and loss at stake, the next whistleblower was personally affected by her whistleblowing. Sherron Watkins the publicly acclaimed â€Å"whistleblower† who also made Times person of the week was quoted as say ing, "Has Enron become a risky place to work? For those of us who didn't get rich over the last few years, can we afford to stay?" (Pellegrini). This brings out another issue of whistleblowing, personal loss; the individual committing the whistleblowing or what seems to others like whistleblowing is surely committing personal career suicide, or are they? While to some this question may seem to be something that cannot be brought up and would be â€Å"easy† to ignore. However, for this woman who had clawed her way to a very high position in a nation where very few women make it to this position of authority the mere thought of losing something she had spent her entire adult life gaining may seem difficult. What would each of us do here, it would be difficult for myself in the same situation. Personal loss seems like it may be easier to handle than social ridicule as the next whistleblower has experienced personally. In the public arena there are a few very high profile cases o f whistleblowing, one in particular that involved a president. President Bill Clinton’s lurid affair with Monica Lewinski was brought to light by one of the more infamous whistleblowers of our time, Linda Tripp. Unfortunately for Linda Tripp instead of acclaim she received the public service send off for those who tell secrets, she was summarily fired and has found it almost impossible to gain employment. This brings to light another ethical dilemma or issue with whistleblowing, while it is a good thing that she did, the public’

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Proposal Argument Essay Example for Free

Proposal Argument Essay I believe it is an agreed principle by everyone that the importance of sports is in the life of a student is invaluable. Sports play a significant role of first about every individual solely country (Campbell; 4). In one way or the other people are involved in a game or some sort, Whether he/she is watching or playing or by just knowing an individual who plays or watches. Sports often come in various sizes. Cricket is a group sport with individuals playing various roles at the same time play is going on. The matches are played in an open field usually oval or circular in shape. Cricket is an international sport with recognition all over the world. It has a long history since the 19th century and has often been associated with strong passion, that has seen it become more popular the world over. With this reputation that this game has earned all over the years that it has been in existence, The College would be glad to be associated with this game and be part of the effort to develop the games in our society to enable all Americans to compete at the international stage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Austin community college (ACC) wants to develop an exciting and innovative initiative to help advance the careers of students as professional players and to motivate them. The students through the department of sports and the college, proposes to start an established cricket team that will provide training service to the student. This proposal requests $ 800,000.00 from the community and other well wishers through a fund drive to help meet the costs of buying a piece of land that would be used as both training and play ground by the student. Part of this money will also be used towards the purchase of facilities for training and playing like bats and gears among others and for amenities for people involved in the game of cricket at the college. We as the members of the cricket club of Austin community college anticipate that the grants that will be received from the fundraising will be an essential and a basis part of our program. It will also be crucial as it will provide an essential training and educational component to the project thereby allowing us to both extend our effort in academic as well as that of sports and at the same time lowering the costs the college would incur and thus providing the college with an opportunity to meet the needs of its student and as such serve the large society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The program (crickets) which the school envisions is multi-faceted comprehensive as well as innovative. The college community has a tremendous requirement for additional sports. The ACC and its board have already identified an ideal site where the training and play ground can be set up The cost breakdown of the proposed site and facilities is as follows;   Play ground- $ 500,000 Facilities- $ 260,000 Administrative -$ 100,000 The cost estimates of this program have been based on a comprehensive program designed which took in to consideration all of the criteria players coaches, trainers playing facilities as well as other aspects of the cricket game.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Like in every game the facilities that are budgeted for are essential, and without which there will be no much development of the sport. The sport requires a large space from which both the training and playing can take place. However the space within the college is not adequate to accommodate the pitch. That is why the college is soliciting for funds to purchase a piece of land that is about 200 meters from the college. The field is spacious enough, a key to the project. It is the only open field with enough capacity to cater for the game otherwise there is no other such space within the vicinity which can cost less or specious for the program.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The essence of sports is either money or fun like in every sport the game of cricket has both professionals and amateurs ( The school would be serving the role of facilitator and developer of the talents of the amateurs and molding them in to professionals for the betterment of the society. In most cases sports have been known to bring cohesion and together in the community and the larger society. For instance the game of cricket is internationally recognized for the role it has played to bring some kind of peace and tranquility between India and Pakistan. This can translate to bring the students as well as community at Austin community, college. The fans which will be largely the student from the college will be inspired by a good team to come out on large numbers to support their team. I believe that the net effect of this support would be that of the school community working together in harmony. Nevertheless this can only be achieved if the school is able to purchase the parcel of land in question and buy the needs facilities so as to be able to develop the game.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As has been witnessed in other sports the game is able to feature every part of social studies through active involvement in one way or another and which will be of great benefit to all parties involved including the entire society ( For instance, the bowlers must have ample space to run as well as the cricket keepers which will enable them to compete at the highest level of competition and at the same time develop and nurture talents that will not only turn professional but successful sports men/women who will do our country proud and raise the standard of the game in the country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For the last 3 and half years the students have been using the soccer pitch which has hampered their progress and at the same time interrupted the training program of the soccer players. Currently there about 30 students who are actively involved in the sport but due to lack of enough facilities and an ample space to train in any have not been able to join the team. This is so because there are many students with the interest to join the game but who can not be accommodated due to the current state of affairs. A large number of students are not actively involved in sports but whom cricket would provide with the opportunity to be actively participating and develop.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On behalf the entire organizing committee for the funds drive and the sports department I do believe that your contribution would go a long way in achieving this goal. It is also sure way for everyone through their contributions to be part of the history to be made. Thanks in anticipation. Reference: James Campbell. Excursions, adventure, and field sports in Ceylon Asian education service, 1999 Non profit guides Social studies for kids; sports as social studies

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Diabetes Mellitus in the emergency services

Diabetes Mellitus in the emergency services Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common medical issues affecting people today. There are two types of diabetes. The first is type one, it is often referred to as juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes. Patients with this type of diabetes are often diagnosed with the disorder early in life but in rare occasions it can be diagnosed as late as forty years of age. People with type one diabetes make up between ten and twenty percent of all diabetics. Men are also more common to be diagnosed with type one diabetes. While it is not fully known why people develop diabetes it is know that it is a genetic disorder and can be passed down from generation to generation. People with siblings with this disorder increase there chance of developing type one diabetes by six percent. The reason it is often called insulin dependent diabetes is because the body does not form any insulin from the beta cells of the pancreas, so there for the patient need to take daily insulin shots to keep the ir blood sugar low. Type two diabetes is often referred to as adult onset diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes and make up the remaining eighty to ninety percent of diabetics. Patients with this form of the disorder often do have some type of insulin production by the beta cells in the pancreas but just do not produce enough to maintain in their body. Also in some cases the patients develops a type of insulin resistance where their body does not use the insulin that in naturally produced by their body correctly or efficiently. In most cases this type of diabetes can be controlled by a strict diet or use of oral medications. The diet of a patient with type two diabetes often includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Patients with type two diabetes what to avoid high amounts of sugars, trans-fats and sodium. When a patient eats large amounts of calories and fat, their body then causes a spike in their blood glucose level. Type two diabetes can sometim es also be reversed with exercise to lose excess weight. People with family members with type two diabetes have a ten to fifteen percent increased risk of developing this disorder. Two types of issues arise with diabetes. Sometimes the patients blood glucose level is too high and sometimes it is too high. When it is too low it is call hypoglycemia. A patient is usually determined to be suffering from hypoglycemia when their blood glucose level is below 60mg/dL. When the body is in a state of hypoglycemia the body automatically slows insulin production and increases glucagon production by alpha cells. Often times hypoglycemia in both type one and type to diabetics is due to over medication of injected insulin. It can also be caused by exercise, malnutrition and alcohol consumption. Over time the pancreases ability to produce glucagon is sometimes decreased making it harder to raise blood glucose levels during hypoglycemia. When a patient has a high blood glucose level it is called hyperglycemia. A patient is usually considered hyperglycemic if their blood glucose level is above 300 mg/dL. Hyperglycemia occurs because the body is unable to produce insulin to prom ote uptake of glucose from the cells. There are two sub-types of hyperglycemia. The first is diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA. This type of hyperglycemia is most often found in patients with type one diabetes because DKA occurs when there is little or no insulin in the body causing the blood glucose level to soar. It can be caused by untreated type one diabetes or excess glycogen production due to stress. Patients in DKA often present with a blood glucose level above 350mg/dL. Due to the lack of insulin the body then uses fats as metabolic fuels and ketoacidosis is developed. The other type of hyperglycemia is called hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma. This occurs most often in patients with type two diabetes. Because patients with type two diabetes still produce some insulin, unlike in DKA the body is still able to move sugar into the cells and not have to use the fatty tissue from the body. Patients experiencing hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma usually have blood glu cose levels of 600 and above. Diabetes has a large impact on pre hospital emergency medicine because often when people are having hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic emergencies paramedics are the first to treat these patients. Sometimes when paramedics are dispatched to these calls the caller may not know what is exactly wrong with the patient. Patients in a hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic crisis may present in a variety of ways. The key with these kinds of patients is to keep a high index of suspicion. Like previously stated patients having diabetic issues may present in a variety of ways. Patients suffering from hypoglycemia will often present with hunger, nausea and weakness. Due to poor cardiac output of the body the patient will often present with a rapid and weak pulse. The patient will also present with seizures or small twitches. Lastly the most common symptom is altered mental status. The patient can present in total unconsciousness, drowsiness, confusion or even aggravated and violent. Change in mental status usually comes with a quick onset because once the body is insulin deprived the brain is the first body structure to suffer because the brain uses glucose as an energy source. When the patient present with the altered mental status it can mimic many other conditions. The patient can look as if he or she is intoxicated because of their lack of coordination and aggravated attitude. They are sometimes so combative that it may be difficult to effectively assess them. Hypog lycemia can also mimic a stroke. Due to its effect on the nervous system the patient may present with weakness on one side for no apparent reason. Lastly the patient may present like a person experiencing epileptic seizures. The seizures are also a result of the brains lack of glucose. These seizures can be all types; they can be full body grand maul seizures or partial seizures that only affect certain parts of the body. It is very important that paramedics indentify that these symptoms are underlying symptoms of hypoglycemia and treat the true problem correctly. Patients who are experiencing hyperglycemia have some similar symptoms to hypoglycemia but also distinguishing symptoms that are different. One of the distinguishing groups of symptoms is the polys. These symptoms include polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia. Polyuria is defined as excess urination, polydipsia is extreme thirst and lastly polyphagia is the feeling of extreme hunger. Like patients experiencing hypoglycemia these patients will present with tachycardia and altered LOC. One symptom that is specific to DKA is kussmaul respirations with fruity smell to their breath. This type of breathing is when the patient had rapid and deep respirations. The reason for this is because the body is breaking down fats due to the lack of insulin the body enters into a state of metabolic acidosis. The deep respirations is the bodys way to blow off carbon dioxide to make the body more alkolidic and return the bodys pH level to normal. The patient will also present with a fruity smell on their breath when experiencing DKA. This is due to the ketones being broken down in the body. HHNCs only distinguishing factor is the lack of kussmaul respirations and the fruity breath odor. Many social and ethical issue can and do arise when treating patients with this condition. One social issue is that this problem occurs quite often with homeless and improvised persons. This is because they are often not able to get the proper medications and also not eat proper meals to keep their blood sugar at a normal level. Also these types of patients are sometimes known to drink alcohol and skip out on meals. The combination of malnutrition and alcohol consumption will cause diabetes to worsen significantly. One social and ethical issue is seeing through the symptoms that sometimes indicate other medical problems and determining that the patient is suffering from a diabetic emergency. Patients sometimes present identically to how a person who is severely intoxicated would. These patients can often be rude and violent. It could be very easy to mistake a hypoglycemic patient with an intoxicated individual and have the police transport them to the jail without ever obtaining a BG L check to determine the true problem. This mistake could cause the patient further internally injury and even death. The key with these types of patients is to keep a high index of suspicion. Lastly a common ethical issue is when to let these types of patients refuse care. Often times EMS will arrive and treat the patients symptoms and bring them back to their normal state of consciousness. For many patients it is not the first time the rescue squad has had to respond to their home to reverse their hypoglycemia and do not see a need to go the hospital. The paramedic should try to convince the patient that they should go to the hospital and explain to them the risks of refusing care, but if they still refuse and are alert and oriented the paramedic needs to respect their decision to refuse care and document the event accordingly. One positive thing about encountering a patient with hypoglycemia prehospitaly is that this issue is usually easily reversed. When treating hypoglycemia you want to first asses the patients Airway, breathing and circulation. Patients in hypoglycemia may have decreased respirations so assisting ventilation with a BMV may be necessary. If the patient is breathing at a normal rate they should have oxygen administer to them via a nasal canula or non-rebreather to combat hypoxia. Once ABCs are taken care a blood glucose reading needs to be obtained from the patients finger to confirm that the patient is indeed experiencing hypoglycemia. If the patients BGL is below 60mg/dL first consider 15-30g of oral glucose to be administered only if the patient is conscious and is able to swallow. If IV access can be obtained then 25g of D50 should be administered via IV or IO. If IV access cannot be obtained 1mg of glucagon should be administered IM. The patient should also be hooked up to cardiac mo nitor to rule out cardiac dysrhythmias. In the case of a patient experiencing hyperglycemia first asses the patients Airway, breathing and circulation. Patients in hyperglycemia may have decreased respirations so assisting ventilation with a BMV may be necessary. If the patient is breathing at a normal rate they should have oxygen administer to them via a nasal canula or non-rebreather to combat hypoxia. Once ABCs are taken care a blood glucose reading needs to be obtained from the patients finger to confirm that the patient is indeed experiencing hyperglycemia. If the patient is found to be experiencing hyperglycemia with a BGL of 300mg/dL attempt to obtain IV access and admitter a 250ml/hr fluid bolus with normal saline. This will help combat dehydration associated with hyperglycemia and help thin out the glucose enriched blood. In conclusion diabetes is a true medical emergency. It should be taken very seriously but can often be treated effectively in a pre-hospital setting. Paramedics need to keep a high index of suspicion to make sure they do not misdiagnose patients that are actually having diabetic emergencies.

Friday, September 20, 2019

the beachcomber :: essays research papers

The Beachcomber She dug her hand deep into the cool damp sand and closed her eyes. Squishing the moist grains with her fingers in the fury of the day reminded her of afternoons just laying in bed wrapped up in clean, white sheets, waiting for an answer. They gave her one of course, or else she would have never left that room, but she knew that something was left unsaid. Something was just terribly, terribly wrong, and although she couldn’t seem to put her finger on it back then, she knew. The silence was okay, she could’ve lived with that. But it was the coldness that scared her; the coldness suspended in the air between them: her mommy washing dishes in the kitchen, head bent, hair swooped to the side, hiding her left cheek, and her daddy, sitting on the sofa reading the Sunday paper in silent indifference. She was caught in the middle, with her toys scattered around her, shivering at the coldness of it all. She knew. They told her it would be fun having two houses. Imagine, two of everything! Two beds, two television sets, two dollhouses†¦ Her mommy’s hands were trembling. â€Å"But I don’t want two of everything. I just want both of you.† They were quiet for a moment. Her mommy stared blankly at the wall, following a crooked line of marching ants. Her eyes were swollen and red. Below the corner of her left eye were (what seemed to the little girl) smudges of pink and purple pastel crayons. Her daddy held her shoulders gently and whispered in her ear, â€Å"I love you so much princess.† And as her daddy hugged her tight, she wondered why princesses had to live such terrible lives. Pretty soon she was living in two houses with two of everything, just like they said. She lived with her daddy and Tita Carmen in Alabang, and with her mommy in their old house in Manila. Her daddy said that Tita Carmen was very much like her mommy in Manila in that she would take care of her and love her and play dolls with her all afternoon (if she wants to). Her mommy in Manila did not say anything. She tightened her fist filled with sand, and forced herself to think of something else. Think happy. Think happy. Think strawberry ice cream with chocolate syrup. Think new dresses for Mimi, her favorite doll.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pre-Marital Sex :: social issues

Pre-Marital Sex Premarital sex is a huge problem in society today. People everywhere are not waiting until they get married to have sex. People having sex today are not aware of the consequences that come with having sex. They just think it is fun and there are nothing other than fun comes with having sex. Some people tend to have a lot of sex. They say they do it for the satisfaction. They believe sex is fun. It is perceived to be a great thing from the time one is young. Going to elementary school kids always talked about the day they were going to have sex. They looked forward to it. Where they got the idea that sex was such a great thing is a question that one must ask? The movies, maybe. The magazines that one sees when digging through the drawers of an older brother, uncle or ones father. Sex is all over society. You can not watch cable television without seeing people kissing intimately, or even having sex. Just because cable does not show full nudity does not make it any better to let an eight year old child watch a television show full of sex. In today's society women are not held to that same standard as men are when it comes to having sex. Now that the reasons people are having sex has been somewhat discussed and is out of the way, let us discuss the consequences that come with having sex, such as A.I.D.S. This is a deadly virus that kills ones immune system. A person never dies from the actual virus. They die from the diseases that they would not have otherwise contracted if they still had a strong immune system. The immune system doesn't die slowly either it take at least five years for the immune system to eventually give out. A person can die from a simple cold if they have contracted the A.I.D.S virus. They cold starts of as a normal one does but it just keeps getting worse and worse. People suffer before they die from this disease. This disease has been responsible for killing millions of people. The way this virus is contracted is through exchange of bodily fluids. Sex is the number one way this virus is spread. What people are not realizing is this disease is deadly and by having premarital sex and not being monogamous they too can contract this disease.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Congo :: essays research papers

Desperate Battle Defines Congo's Warlike Peace At the southern extreme of a ragged front line that winds 1,400 miles across Congo lies a ferry, dirty pink and half-submerged in the muddy Luvua River. Facing it on a gravel ramp stand the burned-out husks of 33 military vehicles -- armored personnel carriers, trucks, an ambulance -- waiting in a line that never moved forward. Unopened syringes lie underfoot, amid charred tires and a trampled note that a fleeing Congolese junior officer left behind: "Attaque," reads the neat cursive French. But by the time Rwandan forces approached Pweto on Dec. 3, the Congolese government army was in no position to attack. It was in panicked retreat, leaving a tableau of ruin on the riverbank and opening a rare window on a war usually fought out of sight. In two months of back-and-forth fighting here in the southeastern corner of Congo, all the elements that make this country's 21/2-year-old war such a dangerous puzzle came into play: foreign armies, ethnic militia groups, remote terrain and villages utterly emptied of civilians who, from the safety of refugee camps in a neighboring country, repeat matter-of-fact accounts of massacres. This is the "situation on the ground" that has kept the U.N. Security Council from dispatching 5,500 peacekeepers to monitor a cease-fire that appears to exist only on paper. This lightly populated, mostly forested stretch between Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru had been one of the few corners of Congo where both sides had essentially honored a peace agreement signed 18 months ago. The Lusaka Accord, named for the Zambian capital where it was signed, was meant to arrest the cycle of advance and retreat that has marked a sprawling conflict that pits the Congolese army and allied troops from Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia against an assortment of rebel forces bolstered by Rwandan and Ugandan troops. But Congolese President Laurent Kabila, who signed the Lusaka pact in a moment of military disadvantage, has swept it aside whenever he spied what looked like a military opening. Last spring, his forces pushed back rebels sponsored by Uganda in Congo's far northwest, only to lose the same ground months later. And on Oct. 15, Kabila's armies launched a massive assault on Rwandan-held positions in the southeast, striking 100 miles north of Pweto at the town of Pepa. Six weeks later, just as happened in the northwest, Kabila's forces once again lost far more than they gained.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nanny 911 Discussion

Discussion No. 3- Nanny 911 This clip of Nanny 911 was about a family who had two young boys. The mother and father were having trouble controlling their son’s behavior, one with his high energy and teasing, and the other with sleeping issues. The family was evaluated by the nanny and she brought many issues to light. Some of the offenses dealt with in this episode were the father wrestling with his sons, the oldest son, Ryan, pushing his mothers buttons all day long, and the youngest son not going to bed in his own bed at night, often times screaming and crying for hours on end.The nanny put the family to the test with her strategies to reclaim order in the home. First, she brings up two points from her nanny book. The first, which is aimed at Christopher’s nighttime sleeping patterns, has a solution of giving the boy more independence as he is getting off to bed. The dad would wait at the door for 5 minutes instead of lying next to Christopher in bed. This was a sort of weaning off strategy that eventually paid off. Next, the issue with Ryan and his mother nagging him, and he retorting with immaturity. The mother was to stop â€Å"nitpicking† and start positive acknowledgement of the boy’s achievements.This helped create a friendlier relationship between Ryan and his mother, as he began easing up off of the immature badgering and bantering that he had previously been involved with. The type of conditioning displayed in this video segment was of course operant conditioning. The boys were being conditioned by their father in the wrestling and sleeping patterns, and by their mother in the nagging and smart replies back segments. All the conditioning was ultimately resolved when the nanny broke the cycle of the parents setting bad influences on their children. The children followed suit and began to obey their parent’s requests.The reinforcements displayed were positive reinforcement for the boys with their baseball chart, a cha rt displaying good behaviors represented by a baseball for each good act. This chart is a positive reinforcement because it gave the children their freedom to enjoy their privileges as opposed to losing them. The father displayed Bandora’s â€Å"Bobo Doll† behavior by wrestling with the boys. When someone gets hurt, the father entitles the hurt boy to hit the other with a â€Å"free shot†. This behavior caused the boys to associate hitting with a form of handling situations.This caused more fighting and issues controlling the boys further. The law of frequency was seen here with Ryan reacting to his mother’s comments on what the boys did wrong. Every time she said something, he would chime in, thus escalating the situation. His mother then would punish Ryan for his talking back, which helped to illustrate a discrimitive stimuli example. Overall, the work of the nanny helped to offer a peace and balance to the family with their problems and going forward t he parents now know what to do with their behaviors and ultimately will lead to a much happier and healthier home.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Reflective writing

Project module Business project module helped me to critically analyze and reflect upon my skills, build on my strengths and develop my weaker areas. Our module leader, Ms. Catharine Gamekeeper taught us what is reflective thinking? What Is reflective writing? How to reflect our experiences, opinions or events. I have reflected about group assignment that have done In last semester. I have recognized my strengths like, how to collaborate with team members, how to planning and organizing the work. And It helped me to distinguish my weak points as well.Second reflective writing was data gathering techniques for projects. I have written the way that I gathered Information to write a biography about an eminent person. Data gathering process provided the opportunity to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the project. I prepared semi structured questions, got the prior approval to record the discussion. I could able to gather more accurate Information and successfully completed tha t task. We have done a group project about nature's secrets. My part was collecting data for do the project. It was methodology part. Got a sample from dents of SLIT for do the questioner.It was a manual customer survey. And used company website as secondary source. Used pie charts for show the results. Analyzed the information based on marketing strategy. We have used product mix, after that we presented the findings and gave the recommendations for the immense problems. We have done our presentation in yesterday. I prioritize the main information at early, because it helps me to deliver my part within given time period. But first group members allocated 10 minutes for delivering their parts, because of that we couldn't finish before the allocated time.Our module leader was not happy about our analyzing part, because we have included only one strategy. We didn't analyze the external stakeholders like competitors and suppliers. There were two lab sessions for teaching us how to make table of contents correctly and how to use various references. But unfortunately I couldn't do it my own because, lack of the computer facilities in the lab.. But I and my friend shared one computer for do that session. That was helped us to successfully complete the report. Lack of facilities have an adverse effects on the performance of the students.As an IT university, dents want more lab facilities, more effective computers for doing their sessions. I have learnt so many important things from this module. Helped me to Improve my communication skills by doing the presentation and all these activities helped me to develop team work and Interpersonal skills, planning and organizing, written and listening skills. Reflective writing By Hashish-Bandanna Catharine Gamekeeper taught us what is reflective thinking? What is reflective group assignment that have done in last semester. I have recognized my strengths work.And it helped me to distinguish my weak points as well. Second reflec tive writing was data gathering techniques for projects. I have written the way that I gathered information to write a biography about an eminent person. Data gathering discussion. I could able to gather more accurate information and successfully company website as secondary source. Used pie charts for show the results. That we couldn't finish before the allocated time. Our module leader was not happy have learnt so many important things from this module. Helped me to improve my develop team work and interpersonal skills, planning and organizing, written and Reflective writing The evening staff went and night staff together with the evening nurse had a port handed over, both in writing and verbally as per the policy to keep a good quality of care they have at work and also the health and safety act 1974. After the handover me and the evening nurse went to see one of the resident who was poorly to have an as correct handover as possible to be able to identify any changes as quick as possible. I was planning to phone the family before 1 1 pm to give an update of the state of their relative.Then I was handed over the keys, as it in only the URN who are allowed the keys according to policy and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2006 and Controlled Drugs Supervision of Management and use) as for England. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. After I have gone around and done a check and answered a few call bells I started preparing to hand out the night time medication. I unlock the door to the drug room and take out the looked trolley which contains the residents drugs. Made sure had clean pots and spoons and straws. All rooms had a jug with fresh water and a suitable container to drink from.NC has standards for medication management which had to follow as well as regulation 13 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and my code of conduct. During the drug round I tried not to be too disturbed but did answered call bells during the drug round. For each and every patient checked date and time on mar sheet and double checked it was the right patient and checked the date on the box or blister to see that the medication was not expired. Check the dosage and admit way. Trying to be up to date in my knowledge by reading on MIRA web site. Also checked how the medication had been documented over the day, were they refused?When was the last dose of the same medication he or she has before bed time? Is the resident sitting up properly to be able to swallow the medication? Are there enough water in the jugs? During this time I also checked how the patient were fee ling by talking to them. Were they talking as normal or was their speech slow or different? How is there breathing? Are they warm enough, do they look ill, do they have a temperature? Is the catheter draining? Do they need any PRNG drugs? Constipated or in any pain? Then I signed the mar sheet to confirm that the resident had taken his medication or signed for any refusal or other reasons.When it was time to give the controlled drugs. I called one of the senior staff to come with me to get the drugs in a special locked area assigned for controlled drugs. I took the CD signature book and with the other staff checked the drug for expire date, name, strength admit way, and sign in the book. Then we went to the patient, both of us, and gave the patients its medication. Was an oral administer way so we stayed while she swallowed the medication. ( This is regulated as well by the regulations and guide lines as I had when was handing out the medication.MIRA and ICQ are 2 body which can con trol the management of controlled drugs and to check so all guidelines, legislations and code of conduct are followed. When all the residents had had their medication, I went one more time to check so they were okay. Then I checked with the staff to get a rapport about any issues or problem I should know about and then I took my coffee to do the documentation. Overall documentation was made and I also made sure any general information was documented and brought forward like bath requests, visitors, out goings and appointments.There was 2 kind off drugs which needed to be ordered in the morning so these was written up as well. Documentation is of high importance because it gives evidence of quality and that all legislations and human right are followed as mental capacity act, confidentiality, quality of care and that care plans are followed as well as patient's safety and consent. At my workplace we document in a computer system and have care plans in a person folder in case we canno t access the information on the computer. To easy overview changes in care we have a ay to day based handover sheet as well.ICQ regulates that the documentation is correct done and they have a minimum standards that the nursing home need to apply to. When it was an appropriate time, a senior staff and me checked and counted the controlled drugs (that are not in daily use) and signed that they are correct as I am responsible to do according to Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2006 and Controlled Drugs (Supervision of Management and use) as for England, the ICQ guidelines and code of conduct and NC standards. During the night helped a few residents to the oiled according to the care plan and the manual and handling act and I made sure I had their consent first. Also checked the residents regardless, once an hour, but it always became more often as I checked the other resident at the same time as someone rang the call bell. Some residents needed to be turned regular ( the carnelian will tel l me how ( manual handling)and how often and why). During the shift I also checked so the staff was fine and if they had anything to rapport to me or have had any problems during the shift so far, and so they follow policies and procedures for the workplace and annual handling act and following the care plan.I did this by working with them and checking residents regularly to see if they were turned, dry, offered a drink if awake and had their call bell with in reach. The staff called me because a dressing had come off on a residents foot. I looked in the care plan to see what actions and what dressing they have had applied on the wound and re dressed it and then documented it in the care plan. I had to do a phone call to this patient's family to give an update of how their loved one was progressing.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Challenges for Informatics in Developing Software for Modern Multikernel Computers

The challenges for Informatics in developing software for modern multikernel computers Abstract The purpose of this post is to examine the introduction of  parallel computing and the challenges of software development  for Parallel execution environment. First I will introduce the idea of parallel computing and up next I will present and evaluate the challenges of parallel computing along with their solutions and finally some conclusion will be drawn. Vertical & Horizontal Development in ComputingThe question arise when we are thinking about how the  complex scientific problems  of the twenty-first century including climate modeling, genomic research and artificial intelligence are testing the limits of the Von Neumann model of sequential processing. In the past, computer scientists worked on the new approach to extend the  power of computers in vertical manner, this means that they were working on producing huge super computers but with recent advances in technology and re ducing cost of resources and arrival of multi kernel processing has helped us to think about new ways to solve huge and complex problem in parallel manners.Introduction to parallel computing For the most part, along with a host of new research questions that have arisen in the last decade, there remains a significant challenge today. Parallel processing  offers the promise of providing the computational speed required to solve important large-scale problems. In fact, parallel processing requires a big shift in how we think to solve the problem. Regardless of new hardware technologies, we should think about the new approach of developing software systems and also the way we think about our problem and presenting our solution. (Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms).Challenges of parallel computing For the sake of applying the power and flexibility of multi-core processors, we should think about a new approach to  breakdown huge problems  into smaller elements. A better ill ustration of parallel processing occurs when a divide and conquer model is used to solve a task. In this approach the problem is successively partitioned into smaller and smaller parts and sent off to other processors, until each one has only a trivial job to perform. Each processor then completes that trivial operation and returns its result to the processor that sent the task.These processors in turn do a little work and give the results   back to the processors that gave them the tasks, and so on, all the way back to the originating processor. In this model there is far more communications between processors. n the next step, we should think about how to express our program which can be executable in a parallel computing environment. Functional Programming plays a vital role in this area, since it provide programmer to solve their issue in functional manner rather than sequential processing.There are simple principles in functional programming such as avoiding Mutable states, L ambdas, Closures and more importantly declarative paradigm which help programmers to free their mind about concurrency, synchronization, Race Condition and other multi core computation issues. Although parallel  functional programming  helps us to represent our program in declarative manner in order to be applicable for parallel execution, but the problem is remain unsolved without thinking about how we can manage data in parallel computing environment.Industrial Revolution of Data – Age of Big Data We’re now entering into new age of computing named as â€Å"Industrial Revolution of Data†. In fact, the majority of data will be produced automatically by different kinds of machine such as software logs, video cameras, RFID, wireless sensors and so on. Due to the considerable decrease in cost of computer resources, storing those data is so cheap, so companies tend to collect and store them in huge data warehouse for future when it can be mined for valuable info rmation.The  Big Data now comes to play, working with such distributed, huge and complex data would be impossible or better to say inefficient with existing software and databases system. We should think about other approaches for storing large set of data which is stored in different computers and in the next step effectively mining and executing queries from those sources. Perhaps the biggest game-changer to come along is  MapReduce, the parallel programming framework that has gained prominence thanks to its use at web search companies.The research in parallel computing has had the most success and influence in parallel databases. In fact, instead of breaking out a large problem into smaller element execute by different threads simultaneously, parallel database help us to store, querying and retrieve data from distributed resources over network effectively. MapReduce as Parallel Programming Framework MapReduce  algorithm is invented by Google to cope with Big Data in their s earch engine system. In fact, MapReduce is containing two simple primitives function which are available in Lisp and also in other functional languages.The computation include two basic operation, a map operation which execute on input records containing key/value pairs, and then invoking a reduce operation which collect and aggregate all responses from different nodes. There are many different Implementations in different programming languages which are exist and used in industry for processing large set of data. In fact, most of  NoSQL databases  use this algorithm for collecting data from different sources in distributed heterogeneous environment. The biggest advantage of MapReduce is that it allows for distributed processing of map and reduction function.In fact, it allows us, to collect and process distributed data stored in different machine simultaneously. Conclusion Parallel computing  can help us to solve hug complex problem in more efficient way. In order to parallel ize our task we should think about different challenges which we cope in developing software for parallel execution environment. However, we should bear in mind that parallel computing is useful when we are facing with a big problem which can distributed among different computing agents. In addition, we should deeply think about the  nature of problem,  time  as well as  limits  and  costs  of Parallel Programming.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Police Discretion

Drawing the line between the appropriate functions of discretion among members of the police force remains to be an important component of policing. With the discovery of police discretion, there had been different debates as to its importance and hindrance in the application of law within communities. Many arguments have been placed as a result of such discovery and have prompted different set of opinions and views concerning its continued practice.In the end, by actively enforcing the needs of accountability and the synchronization of processes, the process of discretion can be minimized or limited at a certain extent wherein it is due compliant with the rule of law and objective in nature. The way policing has been practiced in the realms of law enforcement has spurred an enhanced approach in the dealing with crime prevention and maintenance of peace and security within a particular community. However, the subjectivity of interpretation among police officers when it comes to exerc ising discretion has resulted in various criticisms since its discovery.Due to this, there had been clamors for the abolishment and the promotion of its control. The paper seeks to showcase the relative pros and cons of police discretion. By showcasing its relative strengths and weaknesses, it exposes the reality behind the subjectivity and bias of such actions. Realizing such scenario, there is a need for a redefinition and structuring of police objectives that will ensure the application of the rules and laws while at the same time ensuring that police discretion is rooted on objectivity and accountability.Defining Discretion Before dwelling deeper in the relative strengths and weaknesses of police discretion, it is first important to emphasize on its meaning and its relationship with the police practice. By properly defining the term ‘discretion’, it may be proper to link it to the police practice since such term is associated with different meanings. Linking it with policing objectives, the term ‘discretion’ must actively partake and coincide with (1) judgment, (2) choice, (3) discernment, (4) liberty and (5) license (APSU, 2001).Seeing such, ‘discretion’ means the freedom in making choices responsibly under the circumstances aforementioned. â€Å"Discretion designates power or freedom to judge and decide what needs to be done in a particular situation† (Seri, p. 2). Establishing parameters and causes Also before elaborating on the strengths and weaknesses of police discretion, it is also proper to point out the relative causes of such concept and how it has cultivated the development of such practice. Determining such parameters, one must look at the variables or factors that enhance police judgments and leads them to practice discretion.Examples include (1) offender variables, (2) situation variables, and (3) system variables (APSU, 2001). Under the element of offender variables, the practice of subjectivity and prejudice somehow are manifested in the practice of law enforcement. â€Å"Gender and mental health status affect how police handle many incidents† (APSU, 2001). Such issue only brings about unequal practice and in the facilitation of sanctions and punishments for different violations. Another important variable involves the situation where the police enforces and uses discretion.It is in this situation that the priority is given on things that are unimportant rather than the actual case (APSU, 2001). This lack of logical judgment on what matters most often results in a biased and inaccurate results. Lastly, the system in a society also serves as an important and tool for the practice of discretion among the police force. The actual practice of discretion is dependent on the current situations that a system might be facing. Such system in relationship with discretion varies, that is why such practice also is different depending on the particular situation.(APSU, 2001) Pos itive Outcomes After the discussion concerning its definition and relative parameters and causes, the paper will highlight the positive outcomes of police discretion. One important outcome of the issue is that it legitimizes the role of the police not only as the protector of laws but at the same time they are given the interpreting power to analyze situations. â€Å"The police enjoy innumerable opportunities for discretionary judgment and wider margins of discretion than any other sector within the state apparatus† (Seri, p. 3).Another important outcome of the said practice is that it creates a different aura for the police force that practice discretion. The creation of laws are only relevant if they are ought to be enforced and practiced. â€Å"Their discretionary power allows police officers to transform the spirit of laws. With their interpretation of a particular issue, there is a legitimization of its overall hold of a particular society in creating control† (Se ri, p. 3) The practice of discretion also improves the way police enforces the rules and regulations stipulated by the law.Since they serve as the executor and protector of such laws, they are expected to address every challenges and hurdles given to them. â€Å"Like other â€Å"street level bureaucrats†, police officers must adapt to law and norms on specific situations, deciding on the extent which legal policy extend reflects the original law on the books† (Seri, p. 3). Lastly, the practice of police discretion is an important factor of police power and the maintenance of its hold and grasp of people within a particular community.The concept of discretion in itself is creating the determination of who are good and law-abiding citizens and who are criminals (Seri, p. 4). Such power remains to be vital in the overall functions of police practice. Negative Consequences Given the positive influences that police discretion creates, there are also implications in such pra ctice. One important consequence is the relative abuse of power among police officers in the issue of discretion. Such actions often emanates on both the extremity and unequal judgment given by authorities.â€Å"The exercise of police discretion to stop, search, arrest or charge suspects is now regarded as inevitable and not necessarily improper, given the limits of police resources, variations in the seriousness of offending behaviours and the inappropriateness of criminal law for dealing with some situations of conflict and disorder† (Bergen, 2005, p. 127). In addition, there seems to be a lapse and undue changing of laws that somehow have been an effect of irresponsible police discretion.Prior to its original function of responsible practice under the basis of laws, there is now a scenario that challenges the foundation of accountability and laws. â€Å"Discretion allows the police to challenge mechanisms of accountability and to erode the laws and rules that they are req uired to enforce, in part because of the proactive character of policing and the limited, retroactive character of accountability† (Seri, p. 4) Such misuse can create different problematic instances in the realm of law enforcement.The practice of discretion is often times biased and prejudiced upon citizens and results in a negative impression and simplification among races and ethnicity in society. There are â€Å"instances of police stereotyping, harassment and breaches of basic human rights† (Bergen, 2005, p. 127-128). Controlling Police Discretion Given the relative importance and challenges brought about by the issue of police discretion, there needs to be a controlling mechanism that will seek to prevent the misuse and abuse of power by police. By controlling such concept, the process becomes objective, justified, fair and equal.The last part of the paper seeks to showcase several approaches in creating a fair avenue for police discretion while at the same time ad dressing the individual needs of citizens as far as safety and security is concerned. One important realization is that police will continue to use discretion. (Kelling, 1999, p. 38). But in this setup, instead of creating an avenue for unjust and subjective interpretations, the manner in which it shall be applied should be dependent on a basis; laws and regulations in a particular state.Doing such actions can help enhance and prevent the process of bias and prejudice in apprehending alleged violators. Another vital criterion that can be exhausted in the process is the creation of rules and standards on as to how police practice discretion. Such feat may prove to be difficult in nature due to its relatively varied and diverse situations; however by making standards and rules, there can be a synchronized way of facilitating and improving the practice of discretion. It is a practice that is characterized as fair and equal treatment among different people.Moreover, there needs to be co ntinued training and development among police officers concerning amendments and changes in laws. Being familiar with such tenets can help prevent the occurrence of abuse and misuse of power. By actively cooperating among the citizenry and the academy, policemen/women can have a fair advantage and at the same time understanding within the community. (Kelling, 1999, p. 41). Accountability is the one often undermined and stepped on when police misuse their discretion.That is why, there needs to be a constant effort to enhance accountability while preserving the ability of the police to practice discretion. There needs to be an establishment of â€Å"accountability standards that identify competent and/or excellent performance violations of organizational rules, and incompetent and uncaring work, including performance with organizational rules† (Kelling, 1999, p. 38). Conclusions Indeed police discretion poses both positive and negative consequences in the community and society. On a high note, its importance in the practice of enforcement can clearly be seen. However, due to its uncontrolled state, it often leads to abuse and misuse among members of the police force. In the end, there is a need to control the practice of police discretion by placing and putting accountability and other important standards that can help prevent bias and subjectivity. In the end, after all such efforts had been made it still boils down to one common theme; the protection and maintenance of security among member of the community and society.